Socks in a Box: a fresh pair every morning.

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Our Socks

A great deal of effort goes into designing and producing a good sock. Different materials, techniques, styles, a lot of trial and error lead us to where we are now, offering you excellent socks at an amazing price.

Why our socks are so good?

1. Finest cotton — providing the ultimate in natural comfort.

We use a high quality and comfortable materials such as combed cotton for our entry-level range and merserised cotton for our premium socks. Both materials are reinforced with polyester / spandex for a longer life. Socks are plain knitted to ensure they suit any outfit.

Combed cotton

Combed cotton is an extremely soft and strong version of cotton made by specially treating the cotton fibers before they are spun into yarn. This material is ideal for making clothing which will be worn against the skin. Read more →

Mercerised cotton

Mercerised cotton is a special kind of cotton yarn which has undergone the process of mercerisation. Socks made from this material have a deeply lustrous and somewhat fancier appearance, better absorb sweat and last longer. Read more →

Socks in a Box sock:
- High quality combed or mercerised cotton
- Plain knit

2. Fine toe seam — reduces irritation.

Next one must pay attention to is how the toe seem is closed (the process of linking). All our socks are hand linked, a method that creates a virtually seamless sock. This is unlike conventionally linked socks where there is often a bulge of thread left at the seam which can be a source of great discomfort and irritation when worn with tight fitting shoes.

Inside out comparation of
our socks and a cheap alternative
knobbly toe seam
Uniformly smooth and
perfectly flat finish

3. Wide top — minimises pressure for a pleasant all day wear.

A sock design feature which is often overlooked by manufacturers, the wide band on the top of the sock. Our socks do not have tight, circulation reducing tops so they feel comfortable all day long.

Still have questions? Find answers on the FAQ page.

From $3.60 per pair
Save from $66.00 per box
From $3.30 per pair
Save from $141.00 per box
From $2.90 per pair
Save from $306.00 per box