Socks in a Box: a fresh pair every morning.

100% Money back guarantee

Free delivery

Delivery & Returns


We offer free delivery anywhere within New Zealand via Fastway Couriers tracked service.
Allow 2–3 working days for you order to arrive.

Note that the specified delivery time is a suggestion only. We do not guarantee delivery within a set time period. If the item is delayed or does not reach you within the suggested period, please advise us and we will track the status of the item for you.

Returns policy / Money back guarantee

We want you to have complete peace of mind when ordering from our website and offer a unique 110% Money Back Guarantee.

In order to receive a refund following conditions must be satisfied:

  • We need to receive the product within 14 days of the date you received it, so that gives you two full weeks to get it back to us. Returns received outside the above time frames will be accepted at our discretion.
  • The returned product must be as close to original condition as possible. We keep the right to decrease the amount of refund if returned product is incomplete (ie not all pairs of socks were returned) or socks were warn, washed or damaged in any way.

Purchaser is to pay shipping cost of sending the product back to us.

To initiate your return, please contact our Customer Service (, so they can provide you with your return options.

Similarly, if you have received an item with a defect, contact our Customer Service, so they can guide you through the returns process and help resolve the problem as swiftly as possible.

Please note that we’ll need a photo or two showing the defect/fault, which will speed up the returns process for you.