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Holes in style

Surprisingly this does happen to the famous and powerful too: being left with non matching, dirty or torn socks — read the story below about Paul Wolfowitz, the former president of The World Bank.

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Darn it, Wolfowitz!

Story by The Guardian:

As president of the World Bank, Paul Wolfowitz is clearly not short of a buck or two. So is he just too time-poor to get down to his local mall and invest in a new pair of socks? Known for his sharp suits and hawkish views, he was snapped revealing his inner slob during a visit to the Selimiye mosque in Edirne, western Turkey. The images offered proof - if it were ever needed - that even the big toenails of the world’s debatably great and good are best kept under wraps.

Holes found in Wolfowitz’s style

Story by BBC NEWS:

World Bank President Paul Wolfowitz may be dedicated to freeing the world from poverty - but he seems unable to afford a new pair of socks. Mr Wolfowitz’s sartorial deficiencies were revealed when he took his shoes off while visiting a mosque in Edirne, western Turkey. Both of the grey socks sported holes with his big toes peeking through. The last World Bank annual report, for 2006, puts the president’s salary as of 1 July, 2005, at $391,440 (£200,279).